Remembering Eritrean
heroes in contemporary history
A Short
Biographical Sketch
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ገጽ 88-89
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Abubeker Ahmed and Mohammed Nuri
The people of Saho were also known for their opposition to any colonizer
and bravery. They had defeated Raas Araia and Raas Alula but due to the
repeated attempts by the Tigrayan rulers to colonize the people of Saho.
But when the attempts of these rulers intensified the people of Saho
were compelled to accept Italian rule, thinking that it would the lesser
of two evils. But they soon began to stage opposition against the
Italians. Abubeker Ahmed and Mohammed Nuri were some of the well-known
opposition leaders from among the people of Saho.
In 1901 Abubeker, together with 20 of his followers confronted 200
Italians troops and killed two and injured four of the soldiers. But
Abubeker's wife was captured during this confrontation while he escaped
to Adelarabe region and began inciting people to stand against the
colonizers. The Italians tried to persuade and threaten the people of
Saho to fight against Abubeker, which only made the people’s support of
Abubeker grow stronger. Abubeker continued to oppose the Italians and
they made various attempts to capture him, which all failed, even
Italy’s newspapers began writing articles about his opposition and he
died in one of his fights with the Italians.
Another Saho hero was Mohammed Nuri. He was one of those who broke out
from the Nakura prison. After his escape he was living in Tigray and was
attacking Italian commanders from Tigray jointly with Gebremedhin, the
son of Degyat Bahta Hagos.
While many Eritrean heroes were organizing against Italians from Tigray,
Italy made an agreement with King Menelik to deport all Eritrean
opposition leaders from Tigray. Consequently, Degayt Gebreselasie of
Tigray imprisoned Mohammed Nuri from which he ecaped with five of his
followers and settled in Gundet. Following this nothing is known about
the life of his Eritrean hero, though he is always remembered as one of
the brave men that opposed the Italian colonization.
Translated by Winta Weldeyesus
30th of October 2009